Gard-Flu Drop

Flu can be cured within one day with a few drops of the medicine in each nostrils. So no virus is special. They all fall to the correct herbal medicine. The swine and chicken give the herbs. Get vaccinated for 3 months and exposed to the infected birds and swine without danger. 

Traditional African medicine is a range of traditional medicine disciplines involving indigenous herbs. This can cure several conditions which affect human health. Diseases such as cancer, psychiatric disorders, high blood pressure, most venereal diseases, epilepsy, asthma, eczema, fever, anxiety, depression, urinary tract infections, gout and healing of wounds, burns, etc.

Plants have been the basis for medical treatments through much of human history, and such traditional medicine is still widely practiced today. Very soon, the world will join the African medicine because it’s safe and very good in treating several ailments.

The World Health Organization estimates that 80% of the population of some Asian and African countries presently use herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care.

The company has been undertaking research in various fields of medicine, carpentry, agricultural inputs and leather products. All that is produced fully organic and safe for the environment and human health.

The medicine has been used by the local community for centuries, treating different diseases before modern medicine came to Africa and proven to be safe and cures very well.

Modern medicine came to Africa but our local medicine existed for centuries and we started improving our local medicine, making it easy to administer. This has made African medicine accepted by so many around the world.

The company has also discovered various medicines are too expensive for the common citizen but with cheaper and more effective local alternatives, has increased the growth in African medicine.



Distillum is the name given to new medicine distilled from herbs. Its proper name should be Wonder Medicine. It’s an Anti-biotic, Anti-viral, Anti-fungal and anti-inflammation namely the kidneys, the liver, the heart, the lungs etc.

Distillum restores Hair onto bald heads. Stops burn pain within few minutes and cures within a few days leaving no scars. It also treats Acid Burns the same way. As an Eye drop it cures Cataract. As a Nasal drop it cures sinus, decongest the nose, increasing need for oxygen. Cures lung wounds within a few days.

The speed through which Distillum cures has not been surpassed.


Nodding Disease is a new syndrome prevalent in northern Uganda, South Sudan and Tanzania. It attacks children between the ages of 5 years to 15 years. Nodding disease attacks the nervous system of the children causing saliva discharge from their mouths in running form all the time and impairs their speech.

Nodding disease has so far defeated modern science, but Medicine Africana cures it using herbal medicines.

Like in the history of new discoveries and inventions, I was detained at Gulu Police Headquarters for some time allegedly for having herbs and giving children herbs. I treated the children free and gave their mothers the medicine to administer to them. I thank the Police Officers for releasing me. People like Socrates and inventors, Press machines were not so lucky.



 Diabetes that is currently controlled by Insulin can actually be cured by Herbal treatments.  Gard Medicine Africana has come up with a combination of a few herbs that are distilled to cure Diabetes.

The medicine cures the diabetic patient mostly within 3 months. In advance stage where the disease is accompanied no chronic wounds, we have medicine that cures the wound as well.



African medicinal system require treatment which is primitive. Vaccination was therefore the Centre point

Traditionally when a baby is born, the mother where confined in the house for 3 days for a baby boy and 4 days for a baby girl. They were accessed by midwives only. The home was quarantined by placing thorn branches across the road leading to the home.

During the confinement, midwives administered herbal drugs in the mouth of the infant. These consisted with medicines that vaccinate against Epilepsy, Malaria, Antibiotics, Antiviral, etc.

The vaccines were administered by a few drops in the mouth of the infant. And bathing the baby with water laced with herbs.

Based on that knowledge, of the African Medicinal system I, I have discovered vaccines that treat infants against sickle cell anemia. The first babies I vaccinated, a boy and a girl are now adults. The co infants before them not vaccinated all succumbed to the syndrome.


There are pieces of African medicinal knowledge which has not been incorporated into useful knowledge is the herb that stimulate production of milk.

In the past when a mother died leaving an infant, this knowledge saved the life of the infant. Incisions were made on the chest of a grandmother or the sister of the deceased or any volunteer and the extract of milk stimulant rubbed on. Within a short time milk would be produced for the infant to suckle.

Today we give this medicine to mothers who give birth to babies but have no milk for the baby to suckle and they immediately produce milk.

Also when we give cows to take they yield 4 mugs (local) of milk daily. This knowledge should not be denied pastoralists and farmers.


Tuberculosis is a disease that still afflict people worldwide. The bad news is that there is a strain resistant to antibiotics. After over 30 years of research we have discovered medicine made from herbal plants that cure tuberculosis in both humans and animals within 30 days only. We treated a young man and a Doctor who brought him to us tested 3 times and proved he is cured.

The TB of which can cause hunchback condition can also be cured by our medicine. Our greatest desire is for this medicine to be accessed by all victims of TB.


Albinism and Vitiligo are genetic syndrome. Herbal medicines can cure Vitiligo and Albinism restoring pigmentation.

The common suffering caused by this syndrome are vision impairment, excessive heat at night, and itching.

The herbal medicine cure all these syndromes in a few weeks. There is another type of Vitiligo syndrome which makes the bottom of the patient wet all the time. The medicine can stop this in a few days.

In some countries Albinos are endangered because of superstition reasons. Our medicine can save these people. We can make special offers to the respective governments of such countries to save Albinos

In our research on herbal medicine we have come across herbal solutions to diseases. Often these solutions make vaccines even for genetic syndromes.

Facilitation could enable us research on these vaccine against Vitiligo and Albinism.


Pastoralists everywhere are endangered species. Their environment are being encroached by static way of life dwellers.

The health systems are not designed for Pastoralists as they are only Static settlers.

Perhaps the commonest health problem in their gregarious society is T.B.  A patient spits on the pasture, the cows picks the TB bacteria which infects the milk of the cow and humans, drink the row milk which infects them and they spit on the pasture, and the circle is complete. Non pastoralists are not spared either.

Pastoralists now days travel long distances to the cities and cough in the bus. Besides they take their infection to their destinations.

We have developed TB medicine for human and animals in powder form which can be poured in water and drunk. In 30 days only both humans and cows feel well. We have also reduced prices to make it affordable for both cattle and humans.


Alcoholism is a syndromatic disorder. One can say it’s a disease that affects the blood that make it crave alcohol. It is similar to crave for cigarettes.

This syndrome is genetic. If you trace the ancestors of the alcoholic, you will find that among the ancestors one of them was alcoholic.

During the time of famine old men in our part of the world were restrained from locally brewed alcohol by giving them Tuber foods that restrain them from alcohol. This is the food we have developed to treat modern alcoholism. We laced it with cold food, sesame paste or ground nuts paste and administer to the patient. Within 3 weeks they declare that they are losing desire for alcohol, and in the next week they declare that they don’t want alcohol or consume it near them. That is when a change of life style should be instituted, to solidify abstaining from alcohol.


This is viral skin infection which burns the skin causing nasty scar. Our new medicine made from Distilled herbs can stop the burn and prevent the scars.

The medicine called Distillum should be available in all the health centers to stop deformation caused by Harps Zosta attack. The medicine should also be used as a fire burn treatment/ precaution necessary in vehicles and airports. It stops burn pain instantly leaving no scar.


Kaposis Sarcoma is another syndrome that cause human suffering. Our medicine Distillum is extracted from a few herbs can cure it. A number of patients in Northern Uganda have benefited from this discovery.
